I find myself so utterly depressed.
I feel like I am spinning around in circles and only darkness and echoes are surrounding me.
I feel like my next breath is a hopeless and worthless attempt at life.
I just need to accomplish one thing on my list just one thing and I feel like things will lighten up a bit.
I just find it impossible to accomplish anything no matter how hard I try.
Everything on my list ties into each other so with out one thing accomplished nothing else will be accomplished.
I feel so ridiculous that i'm struggling so much at this age with such simple things.
The sad part is I have nowhere to look for help.
The one person that would help doesn't have the means to.
An the one that promises never fallows through and I can't do it on my own I have tried.
I am just so lost and and sinking into the darkness further and further.
I need to reach out and grab hold of a rope soon or I think I might just give up all together.
I know I sound overly dramatic and emo but it's become very overwhelming with everything.
I have tried to keep as positive as I can about everything.
Simply because what you put out into the universe comes back threefold and everything but it's very hard.
I've been struggling here for so long with no light at the end of the tunnel and i'm scared that my tunnels finally caving in.
I just need a break just one small break one good thing to get me close enough to my goals to lift some negativity off.